The Forward TM product is designed to organize rebroadcasting of TV signal with a time shift without rescheduling. Delayed TV signal is shifted “as is” by required time. Possibilities of inserting blocks with advertisement and own TV programs and overlaying titles are absent here.
Price of the product is lower and the product is easy in use because of few opportunities.
It can be a part of a cloud solution or a local video server. The product is installed on PC with Windows OS. Forward TM is supplied as a software set and input/output board (depending on signal type) or as a turnkey video server. One video server can provide delayed rebroadcasting of several TV channels simultaneously.
What is it designed for
Work with the Forward TM product if necessary to organize rebroadcasting of a signal received from head broadcasting station “as is” (without inserting own TV programs and overlaying graphics) with a specified time shift. For example, if head and regional TV broadcasting stations are located in different time zones.
– rebroadcast with time shift, insertion of own TV programs, titles overlay – Forward TP;
– rebroadcast/broadcast with insertion of own TV programs and graphics overlay (without signal delay) – Forward TA;
– system for multichannel record and slow motion replay – Forward Goalkeeper.

Product modifications
Select necessary version of the Forward TM product by taking into account the following items:
- quantity of TV channels at output of videoserver;
- standard of input and output signals transmit: analog, SDI;
- output resolution: SD, HD, Ultra HD (4K).
Request a list of all product modifications with prices.
Key features
Forward ТМ provides with tools to capture and output TV signal and manage storages.
Product functional set allows user to:
- create PostPlay storages for capturing rebroadcast TV signal on a standard file system. Volume of storages depends on capacity of discs. Storages are located on videoserver or remote PC;
- work with video materials in PostPlay storages:
- record of signal in storage and its simultaneous playback;
- preview of video materials in storages;
- export of audio and video data from storages to AVI files and files of another format;
- control over broadcasting with shift.
– technical support is provided without additional cost during the whole period of product use;
– software updates for products are released regularly and are available without additional cost during the whole period of product use;
– learn more about the product support policy and technical support.
Additional features

You can enlarge product functionality at any time after its purchasing.
User can work with another version of the Froward TM product within upgrade dealing with Forward TP or Forward TA. At upgrading only a difference in price of products is paid according to price list as a rule. Examples of upgrade options:
- a possibility of adding one more broadcast channel to video server;
- a possibility of changing output signal resolution from SD to HD or Ultra HD.
Request upgrade options for an existing product.
Complex solutions
User can select a complete solution by combining Forward TM with other SoftLab-NSK products or products designed by our partners.
For more information on purchasing the product, please contact the Sales Department of SoftLab-NSK or our dealers. Our experts will help you:
- select the required product modification;
- offer options for upgrading your existing product;
- give recommendations for the technical characteristics of the computer used with the purchased product;
- issue free, three-month temporary licenses to test the product.