Software version 5.11.0 (05/12/2023)

Before the first installation be sure that:
- PC configurations fit for correct operation of selected product.
Requirements for PC configurations to work with SoftLab-NSK products and typical builds: more. - Some additional configuration is performed in case if a Windows Server operating system on PC is installed:
- Components of .Net Framework of version 4.6.1 or higher are installed on PC.
Install the components (instruction on installation) if they are absent.
- Drivers for boards produced by SoftLab-NSK are installed at installation of software automatically.
- Video codecs produced by SoftLab-NSK are installed at installation of software automatically.
Order of Installation:
- If the product you purchased includes I/O board then insert it into PC motherboard. Drivers are installed at installation of the main software package automatically.
- Activate registration key of a product (producer provides with registrations at purchasing or testing a product by request):
- if there is a network (virtual) key with registrations then activate it (instructions and rules of operation);
- if there is a USB HASP key with registrations:
- install HASP key drivers. Download drivers;
- insert HASP key into PC USB port.
Important: software functions correctly only when HASP key is inserted into USB port of PC that is a broadcasting server;
- if there is a file with licenses – filename.reg: copy a reg file to PC, then double-click name of the file and finally agree adding entries to registry (more).
- Download installation file for product software (installer is in zip archive). Run for execution. Run for execution. Follow installation Wizard instructions. Select name of purchased product or product to test on product selection page.
- Reboot PC after installation.
- Settings of programs are saved automatically at update of ForwardT Software.
- Deinstallation of a current software version is recommended but not necessary (more).
order of installation:
- Download installation file for product software (installer is in zip archive). Run for execution. Follow installation Wizard instructions. Select name of purchased product or product to test on product selection page.
- Reboot PC after installation.
- Forward Lite software is provided for free.
- Forward Lite software set does not include board drivers and programs that require board to operate.
- Forward Lite allows organizing additional work places for staff training and preparation of broadcasting. You can perform all operations for creating title projects, preparing broadcast schedule, etc. on PC with installed Forward Lite software. A preview option is included also. A possibility of signal output on air is absent.
- More information about “without board” mode you can find in user’s guide, in the “Viewing Data on the Computer Monitor without Using an FD300 Board. The SLTitlePreview program” section.
order of installation:
- Before the first installation be sure that:
- Some additional configuration is performed in case if a Windows Server operating system on PC is installed:
- Components of .Net Framework of version 4.6.1 or higher are installed on PC.
Install the components (instruction on installation) if they are absent.
- In case of software update:
- settings of programs are saved automatically at update of software;
- deinstallation of a current software version is recommended but not necessary (more).
- Download installation file. Run for execution. Follow installation Wizard instructions. Select Forward Lite on product selection page.
- Reboot PC after installation.
- Plugins are additional options for basic products designed for broadcast automation (more information).
- Plugins are distributed by one. Each plugin is purchased separately.
- Plugins are installed on PC with preinstalled basic product software. We insistently recommend matching versions of software for basic product and plugin.
- You can be provided with a temporary registration up to 3 months to test any plugin. Appeal to Technical Support to get a temporary license and provide with information about your product using the SaveInfo utility.
order of installation:
- Activate registration key of a product (producer provides with registrations at purchasing or testing a product by request): copy a reg file to PC, then double-click name of the file and finally confirm adding entries to registry (more information).
- Download installation file for product software (installer is in zip archive). Run for execution. Follow installation Wizard instructions. Select name of purchased plugin or plugin to test on product selection page.
Important: Будьте внимательны, если на компьютере уже работают плагины, приобретенные ранее. В случае установки новых плагинов в дополнение к существующим в окне Мастера установки требуется выбрать как новые плагины, так и те, которые приобретены ранее и уже используются. - Reboot PC after installation.
- Title script objects are additional options for titling system for basic products. The objects expand features at display of title overlays in different combinations with unusual control order (more information).
- Libraries with script objects are installed on PC with preinstalled basic product software.
- Description of each script object is stored in a separate template file – XML file. Files with script objects are distributed as a part of script libraries:
- TSF (library set ) – library of title script objects with an open code;
- TS1 (library set) and TS2 (library set) – libraries with a close code.
- Purchase library to use script objects for broadcast from TS1 and TS2 libraries. Script objects from TSF library are free.
- To configure and preview title projects with script objects from any library (TSF, TS1, TS2) license is not required. Configuration and preview in «without board» mode are executed on any PC.
You can be provided with a temporary registration up to 3 months to test any plugin. Appeal to Technical Support to get a temporary license and provide with information about your product using the SaveInfo utility.
order of installation:
- Download file with scripts libraries (installer is in zip archive). Run for execution. Follow installation Wizard instructions. Select name of library on product selection page.
- Import description of script object from XML file with object name in title projects editor (FDTitle Designer) to add script object to title project. For example, the TS2_AdvMixPro script object is stored in the TS2_AdvMixPro.SLTitleTmpl file.
To view information about valid licenses, run the FDConfig2 program. Information about valid registrations, products in use, and installed software version is displayed in the help area of the program main window.
Product | Installer | Whats new |
BASIC PRODUCTS: Forward TA Forward TT Forward TP Forward Lite Forward Office Forward Ingest Forward Goalkeeper Forward Referee | Download (Zip file 292 MB) | Download (ReadMe file) |
SPORT TITLES: SLSportTitler | Contact the technical support department | |
PLUGINS: SLSoundLeveler AutoDetect Srt2Teletext RemoteOnAir SLStreamCapture SLIPInputLayer IP2PostPlay IPOut ASIOut NDIVideo NDIOut PostPlay Export IPCamera SLNewsLine SLTelephone SLSocials SLNewsTitler | Download (Zip file 66,5 MB) | Download (ReadMe file) |
SCRIPT LIBRARIES: SLScripts Set1 SLScripts Set2 SLScript Free | Download (Zip file 2,9 MB) | |
SOFTWARE LIVE PRODUCTION TV STUDIO: All1Mix | Go to download page | |
Product | Installer | ReadMe |
VIDEO CODECS: Set of VFW video codecs produced by SoftLab-NSK | Download (Zip file 2,9 MB) | |
DEMO PROJECTS: Several examples of graphic design of TV air using ForwardTSoftware» tools. The projects help to understand a technology of preparing and control playback of graphic overlays basing SoftLab-NSK products. Each project includes a set of files: title project, schedule files *.air, collection of styles, etc. – all files used to execute a specific plan of graphic design of air. | Download (Zip file 49 MB) | |
EXAMPLES OF TITLE PROJECTS: Examples of title projects for the FDTitleDesigner program. Clock, Clock2, etc. title elements are used in projects. The projects help to understand principles of work with graphic overlays in SoftLab-NSK products. | Download (Zip file 16 MB) | |
DOCUMENTATION: Documentation archive: user’s guides. (PDF files) | Download (Zip file 242 MB) | |
SDK. Documentation, used files and examples. | Download (Zip file 11 MB) | Download (ReadMe file) |
HASP key drivers (Forward Т, Forward Office) | Download (Zip file 15 MB) | |